Gold-Plated Apollo 11 Robbins Medallion Replicas

 ($125 each)

This listing is for an Apollo 11 Robbins Medallion restrike, which has been plated in 24K gold. These are custom-finished. When these were originally released, I wanted a gold version like the ones the crew carried to the lunar surface. However, the only gold options were solid gold, with a very high price tag to match. So I decided to have one gold-plated instead. It's easier to get these done in batches, and I figured I wouldn't be the only one interested in one; so I got a batch of 10 made.

These started out as regular copper medallions. Each one was first polished to give it a shinier surface. Normally I polish medallions using a dremel tool, but in this case I didn't want a uniformly shiny finish. Armstrong's gold medallion has a sort of hand-polished look. The raised surfaces look shinier than the surface below, and there's an aged look to it. I wanted to get closer to that, so I polished these by hand, focusing on the raised surfaces. That left them with a slightly "foggier" look on the bottom. It also left some of the black aging on the medallions, which shines through in places. So they have an intentionally imperfect look to them, as they're meant to resemble flown medallions rather than mint replicas. After being plated, each one was carefully cleaned to remove any fingerprints, and then resealed in its original case.

It was very hard to photograph them, as they either looked too shiny or too dark. So I tried to take some from multiple angles, with and without a flash.

US Shipping is $5 for any amount. International Shipping is $21 for any amount. If you're interested, please send me an email. Thank you! 

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